Resume Building & Interview Coaching
Help with professional skills from Kim
Filling a resume or curriculum vitae is often a daunting task when we're just starting out, but it can be just as difficult with years of experience. Even more nerve wracking is the interview after your resume/CV has been accepted. Why is it so difficult? For many people, talking about themselves is a skill they never learned. It's not always boastful to talk about yourself- if you know how to do it right, it can be a skill that will carry you far & help you land that job!
Resume Building
A good resume can take you far- it can land you a job, gain many compliments, & even get you suggested & recommended for other jobs even if you aren't selected for the one you applied for. But getting there is a process. Having someone to help with the process can enable you to feel more confident in your job search!
Interview Coaching
You could have been perfect for the job! But someone's interview was better. Many people struggle with interviews. It often feels awkward to talk about yourself & it's tough to sit in the 'hot seat' & be evaluated. Poor interview skills can hold you back from new employment & promotions.
I can help!
I have years of experience as a supervisor & have always believed that part of my job was to help anyone who wanted to get a promotion or move on to their ultimate career goals. In my time working for non-profits & for a city, I've sat on many hiring panels & have interviewed well over 100 applicants. As a result, I've seen my fair share of resumes & all kinds of interviewees. I can help you design a resume that's both helpful & professional, & I can also help you gain confidence in your interview skills.
I will help you fill your resume sections to display your previous duties, skillsets, & relevance
I will help you find your voice to help your resume stand out & be memorable
I will help you edit your resume to display an accurate snapshot of your skills, experience, & qualifications
I will help you design an overall look & feel that is both eye-catching & also represents you as an individual
Coaching can help you change your mindset & help with your nerves
It's hard to talk about yourself but with a bit of coaching you can do it without feeling like you're bragging
Insight on the interview process will help you give interviewers what they want & need from you
Feeling more confident & prepared can help take a lot of the anxiety out of interviewing for good
Resume editing is $40
(one time review for typos, formatting errors, etc.)
Resume building & coaching is $50 per session
(sessions are 1 hour & include language, presentation, & actual content building)
Interview coaching is $40 per hour
Initial consultations are virtual & free. I evaluate resumes (if you have one) over email & hold virtual 15 minute meetings to determine your interview coaching needs. Both are free. If after these free consultations I feel that you don't require my services, I'll tell you! There's no integrity in charging you if you don't need me.